Justin Colville

Dear Parents,

I feel proud to be the Principal of St Joseph’s Primary School, as I believe we are a wonderful school community that nurtures and develops each of its members. Here at St Joseph’s we offer a balanced curriculum which is focused on the academic, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and creative development of each child in an environment faithful to our Catholic tradition.

We have a hard working and dedicated staff who give generously of their time and expertise to ensure that children receive the best opportunities possible. Catholic Schools see parents as the children’s first and most important teachers in life. At St Joseph’s we share the responsibilities of education in partnership with parents. We are fortunate to have supportive parents who contribute greatly to the life and sense of community at our school.

Growth in self-esteem and responsibility for oneself and their own environment is nurtured in partnership with all school community members. We recognise the crucial link between the home, the school and the parish in working together in the interest of each and every child who attends our school.

Families making the choice of education for their child are encouraged to contact the school.

Justin Colville


Identity & Mission

Identity Statement

St. Joseph’s school community provides Catholic Education through which God is glorified in all things.

Vision Statement

At St. Joseph’s we believe we are:

  • A community who celebrates our Catholic Traditions, names Jesus Christ and promotes  Gospel values as a framework for participation in society.
  • A school where respect for self, others and environment is nurtured in partnership with all community members.
  • A community that strives to educate and challenge the whole child to reach their full potential and become life long learners.
  • A community that challenges all children by planning and facilitating enriching curriculum experiences to prepare them to be responsible local and global citizens.
  • A community committed to social justice who participates in learning about Aboriginal Australia and actively working for Reconciliation.

Identity & Mission

Identity Statement

St. Joseph’s school community provides Catholic Education through which God is glorified in all things.

Vision Statement

At St. Joseph’s we believe we are:

  • A community who celebrates our Catholic Traditions, names Jesus Christ and promotes  Gospel values as a framework for participation in society.
  • A school where respect for self, others and environment is nurtured in partnership with all community members.
  • A community that strives to educate and challenge the whole child to reach their full potential and become life long learners.
  • A community that challenges all children by planning and facilitating enriching curriculum experiences to prepare them to be responsible local and global citizens.
  • A community committed to social justice who participates in learning about Aboriginal Australia and actively working for Reconciliation.

Governance: Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd

A professional learning
